Friday, 14 February 2014

Spellcasting Basics!

Great combinations for Invoke! 

I know that I have not even posted the print and play version of the game and I am already posting strategies .. That is because I want the resorces to be out there early and read for when you start playing. This is not the instructions on how to play but just the key concepts in creating spells (the full instructions will have they own page on Spellbook Page ) 

Invoke Key concepts!

Make a sentence!! 
So unlike other spell dulling games Invoke requires you to design your own spell on the fly. (For those who play D&D consider Invoke more of a sorcerer vs a wizard.) This means that the game provides the parts and the frameworks for the spells all you have to do is make the combination make sence. The best analogy I have is a sentence. 

Target + Action + Modifier = spell 

Let's talk about targets 

So most spells are going to require a target. It's safe to assume that if you want to move or destroy something you must have a target card. This would be like "target lifestones" or "Target creature" . So to attack a creature you would need the following cards

Target creature + sling + fire = a fireball that will kill most creatures. 

So if someone has a nasty book that is filled with cards and this is starting I cause problems for you. You would need a target object card to effect them. 

It's important to note that many action cards have built in target cards. Such as sling (a card that may be renamed to cast) 


This is the clasifacation for  Invoke cards that do something more direct.
For example "Sling + earth = flying bolder" . 
These are the most common combinations played. When playing these cards it is assumed you don't have much accuracy. So the previous mentioned bolder can stike any player but cannot choose what lifestone gets destroyed nore can they attack objects , creatures or sustained spells. 

  • Sling : built in target any player 
  • Move left , move right : built in target any object you possess. To move someone else's item it will require a target card. 
  • Shield.  There is going to be entire blog post dedicated to the shield card and how you need to play that early! 

Objects ,Creatures ,Elements 

Object are Books , Wands and Rings. These can be played by themselves ..and stay in play for the rest of the game until they are distorted. lucky for you other players cannot effect your items without a target card. 

Creatures : These are cards that can be very powerful. read the description of the creatures.. These are effectively the same as Objects. 

Elements : This is the building block for most spells .. the ammo for Slings .. and the structure of shields.. .. More on elements in another post 

Modifier cards 

These are the cards that can really change the game. These cards will change how long a spell lasts to its power. It's recommended to try new ways of placing these cards . 

Target lifestone + move left = moves the lifestone chosen to the player on their left 

Target lifestone (with power +1 over it ) + move left = moves two life stones left one player 

Target lifestone + move left (with power +1over it) = will move that stone two places to the left. 

The point is to be creative with the ways you place those modifier cards.

How many combinations are possible in Invoke? 

So I have a good buddy of mine who teaches programming and Bio Informatics for a local university.. he's crunching the numbers for me because Its way beyond me! So suffice to say ... a lot of combinations are possible ! 

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